G- Our story - Meet us and get inspired - Athlefit Apparel
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Our Brand Story

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Athlefit Apparel: Activewear with Fashion

Meet Us and Get Inspired

A Sportswear Premium Collection

A brand with social mindset that aims for Healthier Lifestyles

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Focusing on quality, function, and exclusive designs, Athlefit Apparel brings to today’s woman an entirely new way to dress and live. It inspires them to be whoever they want to be, challenge old, weary standards, and dare to look and feel free, confident, and unique.


Through a revolutionary signature collection, Athlefit Apparel offers original pieces that combine the multiple benefits of activewear and levels it up with fashion. Providing on-the-go mothers, professionals, and women with busy routines with beautiful ready-to-wear sportswear clothing while staying elevated and elegant.

Paola Rodríguez, mother of three, fashionista, and fitness enthusiast, consistently faced an obstacle: the lack of time. Committed to her exercise routine, work, and motherhood, her challenge was to be able to look good and decent enough no matter what activities or appointments had next. 

From this reality, common to many women, was born Athlefit Apparel —a sportswear premium collection crafted with an eye on comfort, fashion, and function to enhance a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Additionally, Athlefit Apparel was also born as a result of a new social mindset and approach to life. Now, more than ever before, people are consciously changing their habits, adopting healthier lifestyles, and striving for wellness, both physically and mentally.


Accordingly, Paola brings her unique and valuable perspective as a Nutrition Coach to Athlefit Apparel. Crafting products that motivate women to lead a more conscious, balanced, and healthy lifestyle.

In sum, Athlefit Apparel is an invitation to feel better and more confident in your own skin. No matter what your day may have in store for you.


You can also find and follow us on Instagram @athlefitapparel we are preparing lots of news for you!

“Athlefit Apparel seeks to join the self-care worldwide trend
that promotes physical and emotional health.”

Paola Rodriguez. CEO and Athlefit Apparel Founder

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